Text by Tina: For creating our Curl-ish homepage, we sometimes sweated blood. And more than just a drop. Uffffff… It was no bed of roses. We made the whole homepage by ourselves. The woman is herself. Yes! We had a little help from outside for the complicated settings. The prouder we are now of the final result.
We have been looking for pictures for our landing page for a long time. The landing page is the first page of a website – the first impression -and that counts. And how.
Our graphic designer, Devika Salomon from Curry Production, motivated us to set up a photo shoot at short notice so that we have our own picture that we could present to the world. An image that brings the vision of Curl-ish to the point. And without the help of Dezhign Digital Artworks this project would not have been possible. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved from the bottom of our hearts.
Here are a few impressions: