Text by Tina:
Hanna and I met about 13 years ago. Why roughly? We’re both trying to remember the exact date, and it’s all pretty vague. Back then, I was still afro spirit and braiding cornrows. Anywhere and anytime. Sometimes in the park, sometimes at the river, sometimes at the lake, sometimes in the swimming pool. I created hairstyles wherever I was. Hanna had heard of me and came to me for a hairstyle. That was still with me at home – where everything started. The chemistry was a match right from the start. The vibe. The groove. At that time, Hanna was still living a double life. She was a full-blooded dancer in a hip-hop group at night, and during the day, she was a hairdresser with all her heart. My sister was also involved in the dance group, so we spent even more time together. Because besides braiding hair, I was throwing parties and booked my sister, Hanna, and her crew for gigs.
And hair… Hair has always fascinated both of us. Hairstyles, cuts, styles… It’s incredible what we can do with our hair. When traveling to England or the US, we both came home with dozens of products and bottled each other up so we could both try them and share. Over time, we have noticed that more and more strangers approach us about our hair and ask us how we care for it and handle it. So the desire arose to know even more about curly hair and its structure.