Opening of Curl-ish

Finally, the time has come, and we are ready to open our salon. Curl–ish. Our baby. We have put so much heart and soul into this project, and you can’t imagine how immensely proud we are. With the opening of Curl-ish, we have fulfilled a long cherished dream. The dream of having our own business. […]
DevaCurl, New York – Curly Hair Workshop

Text by Hanna: New York, New York. Schon immer ein Traum von mir. Der Big Apple mit seiner unglaublichen Faszination. Das ich meinen Trip mit meiner Leidenschaft, Curly Hair, verbinden konnte, machte die Reise noch um einige Erfahrungen reicher. Egal wohin man in NY hinschaut. Überall sind sie zu sehen. Die Curly girls. Locken in […]
Redman in the house…

Text by Tina: In the meantime, it’s well known that my cornrows are art pieces. I get called when a world star, a celebrity, is in town and needs some Rows. That’s how I met him, the legendary Redman. When they said I would meet him at his hotel and do his cornrows in his […]